Time Kill

Well, time has once again slipped away from me. Saturday was planned to be a partially full workday in the shop, but I barely even got into the shop, much less produce any shavings. I had to make a supply trip to the feed company to restock on chicken and hog feed, then after helping to get the kids ready to go to “The Hangout”, a bi-monthly activity program through our church, I took a phone call from my oldest sister. That call lasted almost an hour, and by then the wind had blown open my new temporary door and broke the makeshift lock. After making the repairs it was about time for the wife and kids to return and for us all to sit down for lunch. After lunch it was off to my uncle’s retirment reception, which lasted three hours!  Back home to watch the boys while my wife and daughter made a Walmart run. I tried to work some then, but about all I got done was cleaning up two handsaws. Then it was baths and bedtime. Sunday was filled with church and getting ready for my birthday party,  Today after work was filled with helping on homework, helping to cook supper, and catching a few guineas to give to my supervisor at work.  Now I’m here, spilling out my last three days.  Probably shoud have went to the shop and chopped out a few wood chips.

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